🛑 So, the UK state pension is apparently unaffordable. Surprise, surprise! 🙄 As if we didn't see that coming... Instead of helping people save for their retirement, the solution is… wait for it… means-testing! Because who wouldn't want to save for years only to be penalised for it later? 💸
And don’t worry, pension companies are lovingly lobbying the government to make sure even more of your hard-earned cash flows straight into their pockets – but hey, at least it’ll boost GDP, right? 😂
Here’s a wild thought: what if we actually invested in people instead of draining their bank accounts? 👀 Human capital, not financial capital. Let older workers keep working (if they want to) – it’s good for their health, and it won’t destroy the economy either! 🤯
Read my full article here 👉 [Link]
#StatePensionCrisis #RetirementPlanning #HumanCapital #FinancialReality #InvestInPeople