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The Cashflow Coach

Public·4 members

Funny how we spend the first half of our lives burning through our human capital (aka our energy, health, and sanity) just to build up a pile of financial capital 💸... only to later spend that cash trying to fix the damage we did to our human capital in the process! 🧑‍💼➡️💼➡️🏥

But here’s a wild idea: 🤯 what if we balanced the two from the start? 💡 Instead of waiting until we’ve clocked out for the last time to start looking after ourselves, why not invest in our health, happiness, and relationships alongside our financial goals? 🙌

At the Academy of Life Planning, we’re all about finding that sweet spot 🧘‍♂️💰 where your financial goals support your life goals—without sacrificing one for the other. Let’s ditch the burnout cycle and start living a life that’s both fulfilling and secure. 😉

Read our blog.

#WorkToLive #HumanVsFinancialCapital #HolisticLifePlanning #LifeBalance


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